Data collected and managed by Forest Service programs is available in a map service and two downloadable file formats – in a shape file and an ESRI file geodatabase.
Metadata is available that describes the content, source, and currency of the data.
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You can view the feature classes in a single dataset by clicking on the name of the parent dataset at the bottom of the abstract.
More Forest Service map services are available in ArcGIS Online
Shapefiles do not exist for all National Datasets.
This format has technical limitations which make them unsuitable for multiple datasets within this clearinghouse. These constraints include file size, attribute name length, field length, number of fields, limited data types, lack of topological representations and floating-point rounding errors leading to inevitable data loss.
The EDW Team is unable to support Shapefile exports for datasets that approach those limits. Esri File Geodatabases (FGDB) will remain available. Alternative formats including GeoPackage, GeoJSON, Character Separated Values (CSV), Map Services and Geospatial Discovery Tool offerings will be used to provide open format access to these National Datasets. Once these formats are available for all National Datasets, EDW will retire the shapefile format as a supported file exchange format.
Requests for KML/KMZ output
The Enterprise Data Warehouse Team tested exporting out to KML/KMZ files as a deliverable and due to the complexity and size of the datasets this has been unsuccessful.
To obtain a KML file for any EDW dataset, go to the Geospatial Data Discovery Tool and search for the dataset. An option to download to KML is available from that website.
If you have questions, contact:
This polyline feature class depicts the river corridors of each Wild and Scenic River designated by Congress or the Secretary of the Interior for the United States and Puerto Rico. This GIS data layer was created from a multi-agency effort by the US Forest Service, National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, and the US
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Fish and Wildlife Service. The spatial data were referenced to the latest High Resolution National Hydrological Data Layer (NHD 1:24,000 Scale or better), published by United States Geological Survey (USGS).
This polyline feature class depicts the classification of each wild and scenic river segment designated by Congress and the Secretary of the Interior for the United States and Puerto Rico. This layer was created by a multi-agency effort including the US Forest Service, National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management and the
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Fish and Wildlife Service. The spatial data were referenced to the latest High Resolution National Hydrological Data Layer (NHD 1:24,000 Scale or better), published by United States Geological Survey (USGS). "Wild" rivers are free of dams, generally inaccessible except by trail, and represent vestiges of primitive America. "Scenic" rivers are free of dams, with shorelines or watersheds still largely primitive and shorelines largely undeveloped, but accessible in places by roads. ?Recreational? rivers are readily accessible by road or railroad, may have some development along their shorelines, and may have been dammed in the past.
A boundary of an area designation that comprises all or a portion of a National Wild, Scenic or Recreational River in the Wild and Scenic River System. Each area designation is characterized by a date, boundary status, and authority and may be just one of several designations that comprise a single National Wild and Scenic
Aerial retardant avoidance area for hydrographic feature data are based on high resolution National Hydrographic Dataset (NHD) produced by USGS and available from the USFS. Forests and/or regions have had the opportunity to modify the default NHD water representation (300ft buffer from all water features) for their areas of
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interest to accurately represent aerial fire retardant avoidance areas as described in the 2011 Record of Decision for the Nationwide Aerial Application of Fire Retardant on National Forest System Land EIS. These changes have been integrated into this dataset depicting aerial fire retardant avoidance areas for hydrographic features. Note that this data is current for 2023.
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Aerial Fire Retardant Hydrographic Avoidance Areas: Aquatic - Region 2
Aerial retardant avoidance area for hydrographic feature data are based on high resolution National Hydrographic Dataset (NHD) produced by USGS and available from the USFS. Forests and/or regions have had the opportunity to modify the default NHD water representation (300ft buffer from all water features) for their areas of
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interest to accurately represent aerial fire retardant avoidance areas as described in the 2011 Record of Decision for the Nationwide Aerial Application of Fire Retardant on National Forest System Land EIS. These changes have been integrated into this dataset depicting aerial fire retardant avoidance areas for hydrographic features. Note that this data is current for 2023.
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Aerial Fire Retardant Hydrographic Avoidance Areas: Aquatic - Region 3
This data depicts aquatic aerial fire retardant avoidance areas delivered as part of the 2011 Nationwide Aerial Application of Fire Retardant on National Forest System Land Environmental Impact Statement, the 2023 Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement, and the 2024 Record of Decision.This data shows areas where the
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aerial application of fire retardant should be avoided in order to prevent the potential of impacts to aquatic features across National Forest lands. The data is based on the high resolution National Hydrographic Dataset (NHD) produced by USGS. Each National Forest has the opportunity annually to modify the default NHD water representation (300ft buffer around all perennial and intermittent water features) to more accurately represent aquatic aerial fire retardant avoidance areas.This data is to be used in planning and implementation phases of U.S. Forest Service fire activities to help prevent intrusions of aerial fire retardant in these aquatic areas throughout National Forest lands. Provided here is a regionally merged dataset. This data has been merged, dissolved, and erased of attributes contained in each original component dataset. For this purpose, specific attributes are not necessary, as any spatial areas depicted simply show areas where aerial fire retardant use is to be avoided as stated in U.S. Forest Service guidelines.
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Aerial Fire Retardant Hydrographic Avoidance Areas: Aquatic - Region 4
Aerial retardant avoidance area for hydrographic feature data are based on high resolution National Hydrographic Dataset (NHD) produced by USGS and available from the USFS. Forests and/or regions have had the opportunity to modify the default NHD water representation (300ft buffer from all water features) for their areas of
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interest to accurately represent aerial fire retardant avoidance areas as described in the 2011 Record of Decision for the Nationwide Aerial Application of Fire Retardant on National Forest System Land EIS. These changes have been integrated into this dataset depicting aerial fire retardant avoidance areas for hydrographic features. Note that this data is current for 2023.
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Aerial Fire Retardant Hydrographic Avoidance Areas: Aquatic - Region 5
Aerial retardant avoidance area for hydrographic feature data are based on high resolution National Hydrographic Dataset (NHD) produced by USGS and available from the USFS. Forests and/or regions have had the opportunity to modify the default NHD water representation (300ft buffer from all water features) for their areas of
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interest to accurately represent aerial fire retardant avoidance areas as described in the 2011 Record of Decision for the Nationwide Aerial Application of Fire Retardant on National Forest System Land EIS. These changes have been integrated into this dataset depicting aerial fire retardant avoidance areas for hydrographic features. Note that this data is current for 2023.
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Aerial Fire Retardant Hydrographic Avoidance Areas: Aquatic - Region 6
Aerial retardant avoidance area for hydrographic feature data are based on high resolution National Hydrographic Dataset (NHD) produced by USGS and available from the USFS. Forests and/or regions have had the opportunity to modify the default NHD water representation (300ft buffer from all water features) for their areas of
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interest to accurately represent aerial fire retardant avoidance areas as described in the 2011 Record of Decision for the Nationwide Aerial Application of Fire Retardant on National Forest System Land EIS. These changes have been integrated into this dataset depicting aerial fire retardant avoidance areas for hydrographic features. Note that this data is current for 2023.
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Aerial Fire Retardant Hydrographic Avoidance Areas: Aquatic - Region 8
Aerial retardant avoidance area for hydrographic feature data are based on high resolution National Hydrographic Dataset (NHD) produced by USGS and available from the USFS. Forests and/or regions have had the opportunity to modify the default NHD water representation (300ft buffer from all water features) for their areas of
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interest to accurately represent aerial fire retardant avoidance areas as described in the 2011 Record of Decision for the Nationwide Aerial Application of Fire Retardant on National Forest System Land EIS. These changes have been integrated into this dataset depicting aerial fire retardant avoidance areas for hydrographic features. Note that this data is current for 2023.
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Aerial Fire Retardant Hydrographic Avoidance Areas: Aquatic - Region 9
Aerial retardant avoidance area for hydrographic feature data are based on high resolution National Hydrographic Dataset (NHD) produced by USGS and available from the USFS. Forests and/or regions have had the opportunity to modify the default NHD water representation (300ft buffer from all water features) for their areas of
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interest to accurately represent aerial fire retardant avoidance areas as described in the 2011 Record of Decision for the Nationwide Aerial Application of Fire Retardant on National Forest System Land EIS. These changes have been integrated into this dataset depicting aerial fire retardant avoidance areas for hydrographic features. Note that this data is current for 2023.
This feature class contains water runoff metrics from Forest Service lands. Note: 'Forest Service Lands' are here defined as those lands within the Forest Service administrative boundaries; these include some inholdings and other non-USFS lands enclosed within these boundaries. This feature class was generated from the
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original study "Modeled historical streamflow metrics for the contiguous United States and National Forest Lands" (Luce, et. al., 2017) and the 2012 snapshot of the stream layer from the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD). More information pertaining to the original streamflow dataset is available on the Research Data Archive: 2017-0046.
Multiple research and management partners collaboratively developed a multiscale approach for assessing the geomorphic sensitivity of streams and ecological resilience of riparian and meadow ecosystems in upland watersheds of the Great Basin to disturbances and management actions. The approach builds on long-term work by the
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partners on the responses of these systems to disturbances and management actions. At the core of the assessments is information on past and present watershed and stream channel characteristics, geomorphic and hydrologic processes, and riparian and meadow vegetation. In this report, we describe the approach used to delineate Great Basin mountain ranges and the watersheds within them, and the data that are available for the individual watersheds. We also describe the resulting database and the data sources. Furthermore, we summarize information on the characteristics of the regions and watersheds within the regions and the implications of the assessments for geomorphic sensitivity and ecological resilience. The target audience for this multiscale approach is managers and stakeholders interested in assessing and adaptively managing Great Basin stream systems and riparian and meadow ecosystems. Anyone interested in delineating the mountain ranges and watersheds within the Great Basin or quantifying the characteristics of the watersheds will be interested in this report. For more information, visit: 3
Multiple research and management partners collaboratively developed a multiscale approach for assessing the geomorphic sensitivity of streams and ecological resilience of riparian and meadow ecosystems in upland watersheds of the Great Basin to disturbances and management actions. The approach builds on long-term work by the
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partners on the responses of these systems to disturbances and management actions. At the core of the assessments is information on past and present watershed and stream channel characteristics, geomorphic and hydrologic processes, and riparian and meadow vegetation. In this report, we describe the approach used to delineate Great Basin mountain ranges and the watersheds within them, and the data that are available for the individual watersheds. We also describe the resulting database and the data sources. Furthermore, we summarize information on the characteristics of the regions and watersheds within the regions and the implications of the assessments for geomorphic sensitivity and ecological resilience. The target audience for this multiscale approach is managers and stakeholders interested in assessing and adaptively managing Great Basin stream systems and riparian and meadow ecosystems. Anyone interested in delineating the mountain ranges and watersheds within the Great Basin or quantifying the characteristics of the watersheds will be interested in this report. For more information, visit: 3
Multiple research and management partners collaboratively developed a multiscale approach for assessing the geomorphic sensitivity of streams and ecological resilience of riparian and meadow ecosystems in upland watersheds of the Great Basin to disturbances and management actions. The approach builds on long-term work by the
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partners on the responses of these systems to disturbances and management actions. At the core of the assessments is information on past and present watershed and stream channel characteristics, geomorphic and hydrologic processes, and riparian and meadow vegetation. In this report, we describe the approach used to delineate Great Basin mountain ranges and the watersheds within them, and the data that are available for the individual watersheds. We also describe the resulting database and the data sources. Furthermore, we summarize information on the characteristics of the regions and watersheds within the regions and the implications of the assessments for geomorphic sensitivity and ecological resilience. The target audience for this multiscale approach is managers and stakeholders interested in assessing and adaptively managing Great Basin stream systems and riparian and meadow ecosystems. Anyone interested in delineating the mountain ranges and watersheds within the Great Basin or quantifying the characteristics of the watersheds will be interested in this report. For more information, visit: 3
Multiple research and management partners collaboratively developed a multiscale approach for assessing the geomorphic sensitivity of streams and ecological resilience of riparian and meadow ecosystems in upland watersheds of the Great Basin to disturbances and management actions. The approach builds on long-term work by the
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partners on the responses of these systems to disturbances and management actions. At the core of the assessments is information on past and present watershed and stream channel characteristics, geomorphic and hydrologic processes, and riparian and meadow vegetation. In this report, we describe the approach used to delineate Great Basin mountain ranges and the watersheds within them, and the data that are available for the individual watersheds. We also describe the resulting database and the data sources. Furthermore, we summarize information on the characteristics of the regions and watersheds within the regions and the implications of the assessments for geomorphic sensitivity and ecological resilience. The target audience for this multiscale approach is managers and stakeholders interested in assessing and adaptively managing Great Basin stream systems and riparian and meadow ecosystems. Anyone interested in delineating the mountain ranges and watersheds within the Great Basin or quantifying the characteristics of the watersheds will be interested in this report. For more information, visit: 3
Multiple research and management partners collaboratively developed a multiscale approach for assessing the geomorphic sensitivity of streams and ecological resilience of riparian and meadow ecosystems in upland watersheds of the Great Basin to disturbances and management actions. The approach builds on long-term work by the
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partners on the responses of these systems to disturbances and management actions. At the core of the assessments is information on past and present watershed and stream channel characteristics, geomorphic and hydrologic processes, and riparian and meadow vegetation. In this report, we describe the approach used to delineate Great Basin mountain ranges and the watersheds within them, and the data that are available for the individual watersheds. We also describe the resulting database and the data sources. Furthermore, we summarize information on the characteristics of the regions and watersheds within the regions and the implications of the assessments for geomorphic sensitivity and ecological resilience. The target audience for this multiscale approach is managers and stakeholders interested in assessing and adaptively managing Great Basin stream systems and riparian and meadow ecosystems. Anyone interested in delineating the mountain ranges and watersheds within the Great Basin or quantifying the characteristics of the watersheds will be interested in this report. For more information, visit: 3
Multiple research and management partners collaboratively developed a multiscale approach for assessing the geomorphic sensitivity of streams and ecological resilience of riparian and meadow ecosystems in upland watersheds of the Great Basin to disturbances and management actions. The approach builds on long-term work by the
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partners on the responses of these systems to disturbances and management actions. At the core of the assessments is information on past and present watershed and stream channel characteristics, geomorphic and hydrologic processes, and riparian and meadow vegetation. In this report, we describe the approach used to delineate Great Basin mountain ranges and the watersheds within them, and the data that are available for the individual watersheds. We also describe the resulting database and the data sources. Furthermore, we summarize information on the characteristics of the regions and watersheds within the regions and the implications of the assessments for geomorphic sensitivity and ecological resilience. The target audience for this multiscale approach is managers and stakeholders interested in assessing and adaptively managing Great Basin stream systems and riparian and meadow ecosystems. Anyone interested in delineating the mountain ranges and watersheds within the Great Basin or quantifying the characteristics of the watersheds will be interested in this report. For more information, visit: 3
Multiple research and management partners collaboratively developed a multiscale approach for assessing the geomorphic sensitivity of streams and ecological resilience of riparian and meadow ecosystems in upland watersheds of the Great Basin to disturbances and management actions. The approach builds on long-term work by the
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partners on the responses of these systems to disturbances and management actions. At the core of the assessments is information on past and present watershed and stream channel characteristics, geomorphic and hydrologic processes, and riparian and meadow vegetation. In this report, we describe the approach used to delineate Great Basin mountain ranges and the watersheds within them, and the data that are available for the individual watersheds. We also describe the resulting database and the data sources. Furthermore, we summarize information on the characteristics of the regions and watersheds within the regions and the implications of the assessments for geomorphic sensitivity and ecological resilience. The target audience for this multiscale approach is managers and stakeholders interested in assessing and adaptively managing Great Basin stream systems and riparian and meadow ecosystems. Anyone interested in delineating the mountain ranges and watersheds within the Great Basin or quantifying the characteristics of the watersheds will be interested in this report. For more information, visit: 3
Multiple research and management partners collaboratively developed a multiscale approach for assessing the geomorphic sensitivity of streams and ecological resilience of riparian and meadow ecosystems in upland watersheds of the Great Basin to disturbances and management actions. The approach builds on long-term work by the
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partners on the responses of these systems to disturbances and management actions. At the core of the assessments is information on past and present watershed and stream channel characteristics, geomorphic and hydrologic processes, and riparian and meadow vegetation. In this report, we describe the approach used to delineate Great Basin mountain ranges and the watersheds within them, and the data that are available for the individual watersheds. We also describe the resulting database and the data sources. Furthermore, we summarize information on the characteristics of the regions and watersheds within the regions and the implications of the assessments for geomorphic sensitivity and ecological resilience. The target audience for this multiscale approach is managers and stakeholders interested in assessing and adaptively managing Great Basin stream systems and riparian and meadow ecosystems. Anyone interested in delineating the mountain ranges and watersheds within the Great Basin or quantifying the characteristics of the watersheds will be interested in this report. For more information, visit: 3
Multiple research and management partners collaboratively developed a multiscale approach for assessing the geomorphic sensitivity of streams and ecological resilience of riparian and meadow ecosystems in upland watersheds of the Great Basin to disturbances and management actions. The approach builds on long-term work by the
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partners on the responses of these systems to disturbances and management actions. At the core of the assessments is information on past and present watershed and stream channel characteristics, geomorphic and hydrologic processes, and riparian and meadow vegetation. In this report, we describe the approach used to delineate Great Basin mountain ranges and the watersheds within them, and the data that are available for the individual watersheds. We also describe the resulting database and the data sources. Furthermore, we summarize information on the characteristics of the regions and watersheds within the regions and the implications of the assessments for geomorphic sensitivity and ecological resilience. The target audience for this multiscale approach is managers and stakeholders interested in assessing and adaptively managing Great Basin stream systems and riparian and meadow ecosystems. Anyone interested in delineating the mountain ranges and watersheds within the Great Basin or quantifying the characteristics of the watersheds will be interested in this report. For more information, visit: 3
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Hydro Flow Metrics for the Contiguous United States (Absolute Change by End-of-Century)
This file represents modeled streamflow across the contiguous United States, for the absolute change between the historical (1977-2006) and projected future end-of-century time period (2070–2099), based on gridded simulations of daily total runoff. The flow regime is of fundamental importance in determining the physical and
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ecological characteristics of a river or stream, but actual flow measurements are only available for a small minority of stream segments, mostly on large rivers. Flows for all other streams must be extrapolated or modeled. Modeling is also necessary to estimate flow regimes under future climate conditions. We modeled streamflow across the contiguous United States, for the historical period (1977–2006), and two projected future time periods, mid-century (2030–2059), and end-of-century (2070–2099). These are based on gridded simulations of daily total runoff. These use RCP 8.5 projections of temperature and precipitation, downscaled to a 1/8 degree (~12 km) cell size, which are used as inputs to the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) macroscale hydrologic model. This dataset updates the previous Western U.S. Stream Flow Metric Dataset (Wenger et al., 2010) (a link to the old datasets is available on the project website: eled_stream_flow_metrics.shtml). It expands the spatial extent of this analysis, uses updated climate scenarios, and includes additional climate metrics. For each stream segment in the National Hydrography Dataset Plus Version 2 (NHDPlusV2) in the contiguous U.S. we calculated hydrographs for the three time periods. From these we calculated summary flow metrics to describe flow regimes for each stream segment and each time period and joined these to the NHD stream segments for visualization and analysis. These results allow scientists and managers to easily compare historical and projected flow patterns, including monthly, seasonal, and annual flow, flood and drought events, and timing of peak and low flows. Note: We recommend that line segments with an upstream area greater than 10,000 km2 be removed from the dataset for consideration of high flow metrics (using the field 'TotDASqKM'), since the downstream routing was simply an accumulation function. This is reasonable for larger watersheds at time scales of months and greater, but would be inaccurate for estimating floods at daily time scales on larger watersheds. Note also that the 10+ year flood models are not appropriate for use in engineering and design applications. Streams without flow metrics (null values) were removed from this dataset to improve display speed; to see all stream lines, use an NHD flowline dataset.
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Hydro Flow Metrics for the Contiguous United States (Absolute Change by Mid-Century)
This file represents modeled streamflow across the contiguous United States, for the absolute change between the historical (1977-2006) and projected future mid-century time period (2030–2059), based on gridded simulations of daily total runoff. The flow regime is of fundamental importance in determining the physical and
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ecological characteristics of a river or stream, but actual flow measurements are only available for a small minority of stream segments, mostly on large rivers. Flows for all other streams must be extrapolated or modeled. Modeling is also necessary to estimate flow regimes under future climate conditions. We modeled streamflow across the contiguous United States, for the historical period (1977–2006), and two projected future time periods, mid-century (2030–2059), and end-of-century (2070–2099). These are based on gridded simulations of daily total runoff. These use RCP 8.5 projections of temperature and precipitation, downscaled to a 1/8 degree (~12 km) cell size, which are used as inputs to the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) macroscale hydrologic model. This dataset updates the previous Western U.S. Stream Flow Metric Dataset (Wenger et al., 2010) (a link to the old datasets is available on the project website: eled_stream_flow_metrics.shtml). It expands the spatial extent of this analysis, uses updated climate scenarios, and includes additional climate metrics. For each stream segment in the National Hydrography Dataset Plus Version 2 (NHDPlusV2) in the contiguous U.S. we calculated hydrographs for the three time periods. From these we calculated summary flow metrics to describe flow regimes for each stream segment and each time period and joined these to the NHD stream segments for visualization and analysis. These results allow scientists and managers to easily compare historical and projected flow patterns, including monthly, seasonal, and annual flow, flood and drought events, and timing of peak and low flows. Note: We recommend that line segments with an upstream area greater than 10,000 km2 be removed from the dataset for consideration of high flow metrics (using the field 'TotDASqKM'), since the downstream routing was simply an accumulation function. This is reasonable for larger watersheds at time scales of months and greater, but would be inaccurate for estimating floods at daily time scales on larger watersheds. Note also that the 10+ year flood models are not appropriate for use in engineering and design applications. Streams without flow metrics (null values) were removed from this dataset to improve display speed; to see all stream lines, use an NHD flowline dataset.
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Hydro Flow Metrics for the Contiguous United States (End-of-Century)
This file represents modeled streamflow across the contiguous United States, for the projected future end-of-century time period (2070–2099), based on gridded simulations of daily total runoff. The flow regime is of fundamental importance in determining the physical and ecological characteristics of a river or stream, but
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actual flow measurements are only available for a small minority of stream segments, mostly on large rivers. Flows for all other streams must be extrapolated or modeled. Modeling is also necessary to estimate flow regimes under future climate conditions. We modeled streamflow across the contiguous United States, for the historical period (1977–2006), and two projected future time periods, mid-century (2030–2059), and end-of-century (2070–2099). These are based on gridded simulations of daily total runoff. These use RCP 8.5 projections of temperature and precipitation, downscaled to a 1/8 degree (~12 km) cell size, which are used as inputs to the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) macroscale hydrologic model. This dataset updates the previous Western U.S. Stream Flow Metric Dataset (Wenger et al., 2010) (a link to the old datasets is available on the project website: eled_stream_flow_metrics.shtml). It expands the spatial extent of this analysis, uses updated climate scenarios, and includes additional climate metrics. For each stream segment in the National Hydrography Dataset Plus Version 2 (NHDPlusV2) in the contiguous U.S. we calculated hydrographs for the three time periods. From these we calculated summary flow metrics to describe flow regimes for each stream segment and each time period and joined these to the NHD stream segments for visualization and analysis. These results allow scientists and managers to easily compare historical and projected flow patterns, including monthly, seasonal, and annual flow, flood and drought events, and timing of peak and low flows. Note: We recommend that line segments with an upstream area greater than 10,000 km2 be removed from the dataset for consideration of high flow metrics (using the field 'TotDASqKM'), since the downstream routing was simply an accumulation function. This is reasonable for larger watersheds at time scales of months and greater, but would be inaccurate for estimating floods at daily time scales on larger watersheds. Note also that the 10+ year flood models are not appropriate for use in engineering and design applications. Streams without flow metrics (null values) were removed from this dataset to improve display speed; to see all stream lines, use an NHD flowline dataset.
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Hydro Flow Metrics for the Contiguous United States (Historical)
This file represents modeled streamflow across the contiguous United States, for the historical time period (1977-2006), based on gridded simulations of daily total runoff. The flow regime is of fundamental importance in determining the physical and ecological characteristics of a river or stream, but actual flow measurements
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are only available for a small minority of stream segments, mostly on large rivers. Flows for all other streams must be extrapolated or modeled. Modeling is also necessary to estimate flow regimes under future climate conditions. We modeled streamflow across the contiguous United States, for the historical period (1977–2006), and two projected future time periods, mid-century (2030–2059), and end-of-century (2070–2099). These are based on gridded simulations of daily total runoff. These use RCP 8.5 projections of temperature and precipitation, downscaled to a 1/8 degree (~12 km) cell size, which are used as inputs to the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) macroscale hydrologic model. This dataset updates the previous Western U.S. Stream Flow Metric Dataset (Wenger et al., 2010) (a link to the old datasets is available on the project website: eled_stream_flow_metrics.shtml). It expands the spatial extent of this analysis, uses updated climate scenarios, and includes additional climate metrics. For each stream segment in the National Hydrography Dataset Plus Version 2 (NHDPlusV2) in the contiguous U.S. we calculated hydrographs for the three time periods. From these we calculated summary flow metrics to describe flow regimes for each stream segment and each time period and joined these to the NHD stream segments for visualization and analysis. These results allow scientists and managers to easily compare historical and projected flow patterns, including monthly, seasonal, and annual flow, flood and drought events, and timing of peak and low flows. Note: We recommend that line segments with an upstream area greater than 10,000 km2 be removed from the dataset for consideration of high flow metrics (using the field 'TotDASqKM'), since the downstream routing was simply an accumulation function. This is reasonable for larger watersheds at time scales of months and greater, but would be inaccurate for estimating floods at daily time scales on larger watersheds. Note also that the 10+ year flood models are not appropriate for use in engineering and design applications. Streams without flow metrics (null values) were removed from this dataset to improve display speed; to see all stream lines, use an NHD flowline dataset.
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Hydro Flow Metrics for the Contiguous United States (Mid-Century)
This file represents modeled streamflow across the contiguous United States, for the projected future mid-century time period (2030–2059), based on gridded simulations of daily total runoff. The flow regime is of fundamental importance in determining the physical and ecological characteristics of a river or stream, but
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actual flow measurements are only available for a small minority of stream segments, mostly on large rivers. Flows for all other streams must be extrapolated or modeled. Modeling is also necessary to estimate flow regimes under future climate conditions. We modeled streamflow across the contiguous United States, for the historical period (1977–2006), and two projected future time periods, mid-century (2030–2059), and end-of-century (2070–2099). These are based on gridded simulations of daily total runoff. These use RCP 8.5 projections of temperature and precipitation, downscaled to a 1/8 degree (~12 km) cell size, which are used as inputs to the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) macroscale hydrologic model. This dataset updates the previous Western U.S. Stream Flow Metric Dataset (Wenger et al., 2010) (a link to the old datasets is available on the project website: eled_stream_flow_metrics.shtml). It expands the spatial extent of this analysis, uses updated climate scenarios, and includes additional climate metrics. For each stream segment in the National Hydrography Dataset Plus Version 2 (NHDPlusV2) in the contiguous U.S. we calculated hydrographs for the three time periods. From these we calculated summary flow metrics to describe flow regimes for each stream segment and each time period and joined these to the NHD stream segments for visualization and analysis. These results allow scientists and managers to easily compare historical and projected flow patterns, including monthly, seasonal, and annual flow, flood and drought events, and timing of peak and low flows. Note: We recommend that line segments with an upstream area greater than 10,000 km2 be removed from the dataset for consideration of high flow metrics (using the field 'TotDASqKM'), since the downstream routing was simply an accumulation function. This is reasonable for larger watersheds at time scales of months and greater, but would be inaccurate for estimating floods at daily time scales on larger watersheds. Note also that the 10+ year flood models are not appropriate for use in engineering and design applications. Streams without flow metrics (null values) were removed from this dataset to improve display speed; to see all stream lines, use an NHD flowline dataset.
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Hydro Flow Metrics for the Contiguous United States (Percent Change by End-of-Century)
This file represents modeled streamflow across the contiguous United States, for the percent change between the historical (1977-2006) and projected future end-of-century time period (2070–2099), based on gridded simulations of daily total runoff.The flow regime is of fundamental importance in determining the physical and
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ecological characteristics of a river or stream, but actual flow measurements are only available for a small minority of stream segments, mostly on large rivers. Flows for all other streams must be extrapolated or modeled. Modeling is also necessary to estimate flow regimes under future climate conditions. We modeled streamflow across the contiguous United States, for the historical period (1977–2006), and two projected future time periods, mid-century (2030–2059), and end-of-century (2070–2099). These are based on gridded simulations of daily total runoff. These use RCP 8.5 projections of temperature and precipitation, downscaled to a 1/8 degree (~12 km) cell size, which are used as inputs to the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) macroscale hydrologic model. This dataset updates the previous Western U.S. Stream Flow Metric Dataset (Wenger et al., 2010) (a link to the old datasets is available on the project website: eled_stream_flow_metrics.shtml). It expands the spatial extent of this analysis, uses updated climate scenarios, and includes additional climate metrics. For each stream segment in the National Hydrography Dataset Plus Version 2 (NHDPlusV2) in the contiguous U.S. we calculated hydrographs for the three time periods. From these we calculated summary flow metrics to describe flow regimes for each stream segment and each time period and joined these to the NHD stream segments for visualization and analysis. These results allow scientists and managers to easily compare historical and projected flow patterns, including monthly, seasonal, and annual flow, flood and drought events, and timing of peak and low flows. Note: We recommend that line segments with an upstream area greater than 10,000 km2 be removed from the dataset for consideration of high flow metrics (using the field 'TotDASqKM'), since the downstream routing was simply an accumulation function. This is reasonable for larger watersheds at time scales of months and greater, but would be inaccurate for estimating floods at daily time scales on larger watersheds. Note also that the 10+ year flood models are not appropriate for use in engineering and design applications. Streams without flow metrics (null values) were removed from this dataset to improve display speed; to see all stream lines, use an NHD flowline dataset.
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Hydro Flow Metrics for the Contiguous United States (Percent Change by Mid-Century)
This file represents modeled streamflow across the contiguous United States, for the percent change between the historical (1977-2006) and projected future end-of-century time period (2070–2089), based on gridded simulations of daily total runoff. The flow regime is of fundamental importance in determining the physical and
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ecological characteristics of a river or stream, but actual flow measurements are only available for a small minority of stream segments, mostly on large rivers. Flows for all other streams must be extrapolated or modeled. Modeling is also necessary to estimate flow regimes under future climate conditions. We modeled streamflow across the contiguous United States, for the historical period (1977–2006), and two projected future time periods, mid-century (2030–2059), and end-of-century (2070–2099). These are based on gridded simulations of daily total runoff. These use RCP 8.5 projections of temperature and precipitation, downscaled to a 1/8 degree (~12 km) cell size, which are used as inputs to the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) macroscale hydrologic model. This dataset updates the previous Western U.S. Stream Flow Metric Dataset (Wenger et al., 2010) (a link to the old datasets is available on the project website: eled_stream_flow_metrics.shtml). It expands the spatial extent of this analysis, uses updated climate scenarios, and includes additional climate metrics. For each stream segment in the National Hydrography Dataset Plus Version 2 (NHDPlusV2) in the contiguous U.S. we calculated hydrographs for the three time periods. From these we calculated summary flow metrics to describe flow regimes for each stream segment and each time period and joined these to the NHD stream segments for visualization and analysis. These results allow scientists and managers to easily compare historical and projected flow patterns, including monthly, seasonal, and annual flow, flood and drought events, and timing of peak and low flows. Note: We recommend that line segments with an upstream area greater than 10,000 km2 be removed from the dataset for consideration of high flow metrics (using the field 'TotDASqKM'), since the downstream routing was simply an accumulation function. This is reasonable for larger watersheds at time scales of months and greater, but would be inaccurate for estimating floods at daily time scales on larger watersheds. Note also that the 10+ year flood models are not appropriate for use in engineering and design applications. Streams without flow metrics (null values) were removed from this dataset to improve display speed; to see all stream lines, use an NHD flowline dataset.
The Watershed Condition Classification feature class represents data on Watershed Condition on Forest Service lands in HUC12 (from the Watershed Boundary Dataset) watersheds that contain more than 5% USFS ownership. The feature class also includes data on high priority watersheds identified in the Watershed Condition Framework
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(WCF) process. The WCF data identifies priority watersheds, rationale for their designation as such, and information on Watershed Restoration Action Plans. The data are compiled from the Watershed Condition Assessment and Tracking Tool (WCATT) application within the NRM (National Resource Manager: a suite of applications, each of which collects, stores and reports data for various Forest Service business areas).