FSTopo is the Forest Service large scale (1:24,000 and 1:25,000 in Alaska) Primary Base Map Series; the 7.5-minute topographic quadrangle maps. FSTopo products cover the Forest Service lands. FSTopo is an automated map product using inter-agency authoritative data and is updated annually. FSTopo is available in PDF format.
FSTopo is part of the Forest Service Digital Map series featuring maps ranging from 1:24,000 to 1:2,000,000 scale. Other maps scales are the 1:100,000, Ranger District, the Forest, and at Administrative, Regional and National Series. Visit the Forest Service Digital Maps website for these downloadable and geo-enabled maps.
FSTopo is created from authoritative, standardized, and up-to-date data and is the authoritative large scale (1:24,000/25,000) map product for the Forest Service.
FSTopo Legacy is a static historic reference of topographic maps made by the Forest Service. The cartographic product FSTopo Legacy is no longer maintained, but will remain available in PDF and GeoTIFF only.
FSTopo only covers quadrangles that cover Forest Service lands. Any Quadrangle maps not available for download in the FSTopo Series may be obtained as US Topo maps from the Map Locator & Downloader on the USGS Store.