Download National Datasets

Data collected and managed by Forest Service programs is available in a map service and two downloadable file formats – in a shape file and an ESRI file geodatabase. Metadata is available that describes the content, source, and currency of the data. You can filter the list by the topic categories in the menu at the left to help you find information you are interested in. You can view the feature classes in a single dataset by clicking on the name of the parent dataset at the bottom of the abstract.

EDW Information, Updates, and Alerts:
Check the EDW Information, Updates, and Alerts page for the latest Enterprise Data Warehouse notifications.

Shapefile Limitation Warning:
The Enterprise Data Warehouse Team has identified certain technical limitations of shapefiles which make them not suitable for all datasets within this clearinghouse. Due to file size limits as well as attribute name length and field length restrictions leading to inevitable data loss, the EDW Team is unable to support shapefile exports for larger datasets. There are other methods to accessing this data in addition to the Esri File Geodatabase (FGDB) including the map service or the Geospatial Data Discovery Tool.

Requests for KML/KMZ output
The Enterprise Data Warehouse Team tested exporting out to KML/KMZ files as a deliverable and due to the complexity and size of the datasets this has been unsuccessful. To obtain a KML file for any EDW dataset, go to the Geospatial Data Discovery Tool and search for the dataset. An option to download to KML is available from that website. If you have questions, contact:

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Feature Classes Abstract

Integrated Resource Restoration (IRR): Line

ESRI geodatabase  (45KB)
shape file  (76KB)

Date of last refresh: Sep 6, 2024

IRR_LN (Integrated Resource Restoration (IRR): Line) depicts the location of activities funded through the NFRR (National Forest Resource Restoration) Budget Line Item and reported through the FACTS (Forest Service Activity Tracking System) database. The activities fall under number of acres treated annually to sustain or restore watershed function: acres of forestlands treated using timber sales, acres of forestland vegetation improved, acres of forestland vegetation established, acres of rangeland vegetation improved, acres treated for noxious weeds/invasive plants on NFS lands, and acres of hazardous fuels treated outside the wildland/urban interface (WUI) to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildland fire. The activities are self-reported by Forest Service Units.

Activities funded through the IRR (Integrated Resource Restoration) initiative include areas treated to sustain or restore watershed function; forestlands treated using timber sales; forestland vegetation improved, forest land vegetation established, rangeland vegetation improved by treatment for noxious weeds or invasive plants; and hazardous fuels treated outside the wildland/urban interface to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildland fire. It is important to note that this layer does not contain all activities funded through NFRR because the spatial portion of the activity description is not required and is self-reported by Forest Service units. As spatial data is a new requirement for the program, we hope to improve the quality and comprehensiveness of this data in coming years.
parent dataset: ActivityInitiatives

Integrated Resource Restoration (IRR): Point

ESRI geodatabase  (64KB)
shape file  (99KB)

Date of last refresh: Sep 6, 2024

Activity_IRR_PT (Integrated Resource Restoration (IRR): Line) depicts the location of activities funded through the NFRR (National Budget Line Item and reported through the FACTS (Forest Service Activity Tracking System) database. The activities fall under number of acres treated annually to sustain or restore watershed function: acres of forestlands treated using timber sales, acres of forestland vegetation improved, acres of forestland vegetation established, acres of rangeland vegetation improved, acres treated for noxious weeds/invasive plants on NFS lands, and acres of hazardous fuels treated outside the wildland/urban interface (WUI) to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildland fire. The are self-reported by Forest Service Units.

Activities funded through the IRR (Integrated Resource Restoration) initiative include areas treated to sustain or restore watershed function; forestlands treated using timber sales; forestland vegetation improved, forest land vegetation established, rangeland vegetation improved by treatment for noxious weeds or invasive plants; and hazardous fuels treated outside the wildland/urban interface to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildland fire. It is important to note that this layer does not contain all activities funded through NFRR because the spatial portion of the activity description is not required and is self-reported by Forest Service units. As spatial data is a new requirement for the program, we hope to improve the quality and comprehensiveness of this data in coming years.
parent dataset: ActivityInitiatives

Integrated Resource Restoration (IRR): Polygon

ESRI geodatabase  (80MB)
shape file  (230MB)

Date of last refresh: Sep 6, 2024

IRR_PL (Integrated Resource Restoration (IRR): Polygon) depicts the location of activities funded through the NFRR (National Budget Line Item and reported through the FACTS database. The activities fall under number of acres treated annually to sustain or restore watershed function: acres of forestlands treated using timber sales, acres of forestland vegetation improved, acres of forestland vegetation established, acres of rangeland vegetation improved, acres treated for noxious weeds/invasive plants on NFS lands, and acres of hazardous fuels treated outside the wildland/urban interface (WUI) to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildland fire. The are self-reported by Forest Service Units.

Activities funded through the IRR (Integrated Resource Restoration) initiative include areas treated to sustain or restore watershed function; forestlands treated using timber sales; forestland vegetation improved, forest land vegetation established, rangeland vegetation improved by treatment for noxious weeds or invasive plants; and hazardous fuels treated outside the wildland/urban interface to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildland fire. It is important to note that this layer does not contain all activities funded through NFRR because the spatial portion of the activity description is not required and is self-reported by Forest Service units. As spatial data is a new requirement for the program, we hope to improve the quality and comprehensiveness of this data in coming years.
parent dataset: ActivityInitiatives

Geopolitical Units adjusted within Administrative Forest Boundaries

ESRI geodatabase  (67MB)
shape file  (156MB)

Date of last refresh: Aug 27, 2024

This feature class includes States, Counties or Boroughs, Congressional Districts, Alaska Recording Districts, County Subdivisions, and Places boundaries that are derived from the latest official Census Bureau and Alaska Department of Natural Resources datasets. Features within Forest Service Administrative Forest boundaries may have been modified by the Forest Service for improved accuracy and spatial coincidence(vertical integration).

This SDE Geodatabase is intended for read-only use. This dataset is meant to provide a comprehensive representation of geopolitical data for the entire area of the United States and territories. This offers the combination of the most recent Census Bureau and Alaska DNR geopolitical data with geopolitical boundaries within FS lands that have been adjusted for better accuracy and for vertical integration with FS data. Since it is vertically integrated when coincident with FS lands, this dataset allows for better multi-layer analysis with other FS lands data, and improved cartographic applications where Census data and FS data need to be depicted in the same map.
parent dataset: Land

Land Management Planning Unit (LMPU)

ESRI geodatabase  (20MB)
shape file  (43MB)

Date of last refresh: Jan 28, 2024

The Land Management Planning Unit (LMPU) feature class displays the plan revision status for FS land management planning units, their boundaries, FS Region, planning phase milestone and associated date, and link to a related planning website. A land management plan provides a framework for integrated resource management and for guiding project and activity decision-making on a nationalforest, grassland, prairie, or other administrative unit. New plan development is required for new NFS units; an existing plan may be amended at any time.
parent dataset: Land

Aerial Fire Retardant Hydrographic Avoidance Areas: Aquatic - Region 1

ESRI geodatabase  (137MB)
shape file  (321MB)

Date of last refresh: Mar 22, 2024

Aerial retardant avoidance area for hydrographic feature data are based on high resolution National Hydrographic Dataset (NHD) produced by USGS and available from the USFS. Forests and/or regions have had the opportunity to modify the default NHD water representation (300ft buffer from all water features) for their areas of interest to accurately represent aerial fire retardant avoidance areas as described in the 2011 Record of Decision for the Nationwide Aerial Application of Fire Retardant on National Forest System Land EIS. These changes have been integrated into this dataset depicting aerial fire retardant avoidance areas for hydrographic features. Note that this data is current for 2023.

Aerial Fire Retardant Hydrographic Avoidance Areas: Aquatic - Region 10

ESRI geodatabase  (18MB)
shape file  (39MB)

Date of last refresh: Mar 22, 2024

Aerial retardant avoidance area for hydrographic feature data are based on high resolution National Hydrographic Dataset (NHD) produced by USGS and available from the USFS. Forests and/or regions have had the opportunity to modify the default NHD water representation (300ft buffer from all water features) for their areas of interest to accurately represent aerial fire retardant avoidance areas as described in the 2011 Record of Decision for the Nationwide Aerial Application of Fire Retardant on National Forest System Land EIS. These changes have been integrated into this dataset depicting aerial fire retardant avoidance areas for hydrographic features. Note that this data is current for 2023.

Aerial Fire Retardant Hydrographic Avoidance Areas: Aquatic - Region 2

ESRI geodatabase  (229MB)
shape file  (558MB)

Date of last refresh: Mar 22, 2024

Aerial retardant avoidance area for hydrographic feature data are based on high resolution National Hydrographic Dataset (NHD) produced by USGS and available from the USFS. Forests and/or regions have had the opportunity to modify the default NHD water representation (300ft buffer from all water features) for their areas of interest to accurately represent aerial fire retardant avoidance areas as described in the 2011 Record of Decision for the Nationwide Aerial Application of Fire Retardant on National Forest System Land EIS. These changes have been integrated into this dataset depicting aerial fire retardant avoidance areas for hydrographic features. Note that this data is current for 2023.

Aerial Fire Retardant Hydrographic Avoidance Areas: Aquatic - Region 3

ESRI geodatabase  (19MB)
shape file  (44MB)

Date of last refresh: Mar 22, 2024

Aerial retardant avoidance area for hydrographic feature data are based on high resolution National Hydrographic Dataset (NHD) produced by USGS and available from the USFS. Forests and/or regions have had the opportunity to modify the default NHD water representation (300ft buffer from all water features) for their areas of interest to accurately represent aerial fire retardant avoidance areas as described in the 2011 Record of Decision for the Nationwide Aerial Application of Fire Retardant on National Forest System Land EIS. These changes have been integrated into this dataset depicting aerial fire retardant avoidance areas for hydrographic features. Note that this data is current for 2023.

Aerial Fire Retardant Hydrographic Avoidance Areas: Aquatic - Region 4

ESRI geodatabase  (136MB)
shape file  (327MB)

Date of last refresh: Mar 22, 2024

Aerial retardant avoidance area for hydrographic feature data are based on high resolution National Hydrographic Dataset (NHD) produced by USGS and available from the USFS. Forests and/or regions have had the opportunity to modify the default NHD water representation (300ft buffer from all water features) for their areas of interest to accurately represent aerial fire retardant avoidance areas as described in the 2011 Record of Decision for the Nationwide Aerial Application of Fire Retardant on National Forest System Land EIS. These changes have been integrated into this dataset depicting aerial fire retardant avoidance areas for hydrographic features. Note that this data is current for 2023.

Aerial Fire Retardant Hydrographic Avoidance Areas: Aquatic - Region 5

ESRI geodatabase  (51MB)
shape file  (122MB)

Date of last refresh: Mar 22, 2024

Aerial retardant avoidance area for hydrographic feature data are based on high resolution National Hydrographic Dataset (NHD) produced by USGS and available from the USFS. Forests and/or regions have had the opportunity to modify the default NHD water representation (300ft buffer from all water features) for their areas of interest to accurately represent aerial fire retardant avoidance areas as described in the 2011 Record of Decision for the Nationwide Aerial Application of Fire Retardant on National Forest System Land EIS. These changes have been integrated into this dataset depicting aerial fire retardant avoidance areas for hydrographic features. Note that this data is current for 2023.

Aerial Fire Retardant Hydrographic Avoidance Areas: Aquatic - Region 6

ESRI geodatabase  (36MB)
shape file  (97MB)

Date of last refresh: Mar 22, 2024

Aerial retardant avoidance area for hydrographic feature data are based on high resolution National Hydrographic Dataset (NHD) produced by USGS and available from the USFS. Forests and/or regions have had the opportunity to modify the default NHD water representation (300ft buffer from all water features) for their areas of interest to accurately represent aerial fire retardant avoidance areas as described in the 2011 Record of Decision for the Nationwide Aerial Application of Fire Retardant on National Forest System Land EIS. These changes have been integrated into this dataset depicting aerial fire retardant avoidance areas for hydrographic features. Note that this data is current for 2023.

Aerial Fire Retardant Hydrographic Avoidance Areas: Aquatic - Region 8

ESRI geodatabase  (110MB)
shape file  (268MB)

Date of last refresh: Mar 22, 2024

Aerial retardant avoidance area for hydrographic feature data are based on high resolution National Hydrographic Dataset (NHD) produced by USGS and available from the USFS. Forests and/or regions have had the opportunity to modify the default NHD water representation (300ft buffer from all water features) for their areas of interest to accurately represent aerial fire retardant avoidance areas as described in the 2011 Record of Decision for the Nationwide Aerial Application of Fire Retardant on National Forest System Land EIS. These changes have been integrated into this dataset depicting aerial fire retardant avoidance areas for hydrographic features. Note that this data is current for 2023.

Aerial Fire Retardant Hydrographic Avoidance Areas: Aquatic - Region 9

ESRI geodatabase  (87MB)
shape file  (208MB)

Date of last refresh: Mar 22, 2024

Aerial retardant avoidance area for hydrographic feature data are based on high resolution National Hydrographic Dataset (NHD) produced by USGS and available from the USFS. Forests and/or regions have had the opportunity to modify the default NHD water representation (300ft buffer from all water features) for their areas of interest to accurately represent aerial fire retardant avoidance areas as described in the 2011 Record of Decision for the Nationwide Aerial Application of Fire Retardant on National Forest System Land EIS. These changes have been integrated into this dataset depicting aerial fire retardant avoidance areas for hydrographic features. Note that this data is current for 2023.