Download National Datasets

Data collected and managed by Forest Service programs is available in a map service and two downloadable file formats – in a shape file and an ESRI file geodatabase. Metadata is available that describes the content, source, and currency of the data. You can filter the list by the topic categories in the menu at the left to help you find information you are interested in. You can view the feature classes in a single dataset by clicking on the name of the parent dataset at the bottom of the abstract.

EDW Information, Updates, and Alerts:

Check the EDW Information, Updates, and Alerts page for the latest Enterprise Data Warehouse notifications.

Shapefiles do not exist for all National Datasets.
This format has technical limitations which make them unsuitable for multiple datasets within this clearinghouse. These constraints include file size, attribute name length, field length, number of fields, limited data types, lack of topological representations and floating-point rounding errors leading to inevitable data loss. The EDW Team is unable to support Shapefile exports for datasets that approach those limits. Esri File Geodatabases (FGDB) will remain available. Alternative formats including GeoPackage, GeoJSON, Character Separated Values (CSV), Map Services and Geospatial Discovery Tool offerings will be used to provide open format access to these National Datasets. Once these formats are available for all National Datasets, EDW will retire the shapefile format as a supported file exchange format.

Requests for KML/KMZ output
The Enterprise Data Warehouse Team tested exporting out to KML/KMZ files as a deliverable and due to the complexity and size of the datasets this has been unsuccessful. To obtain a KML file for any EDW dataset, go to the Geospatial Data Discovery Tool and search for the dataset. An option to download to KML is available from that website. If you have questions, contact:

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Feature Classes Abstract

U.S. Forest Service Silviculture Timber Stand Improvement Needs

ESRI geodatabase  (52MB)
shape file  (98MB)

Date of last refresh: Feb 14, 2025

The SilvTSI (Silviculture Timber Stand Improvement) feature class represents activities associated with the following performance measure: Forest Vegetation Improved (Release, Weeding, and Cleaning, Precommercial Thinning, Pruning and Fertilization). The Activities data set portrays the areas where activities are accomplished as a part of the silviculture program of work, funded through the budget allocation process and reported through the Forest Service Activity Tracking System (FACTS) database within the Natural Resource Manager (NRM) suite of applications. The activities are part of the Performance Measures used to rate Agency performance in meeting the Department's Strategic Goals. It is important to note that this layer may not contain all accomplished activities; the spatial portion of the activity description is not currently enforced by FACTS and at this time some are optionally reported by Forest Service units. As spatial data reporting is enforced by the application and acceptance of reporting increases for both tabular and spatial we hope to improve the quality and comprehensiveness of the data used for this layer in coming years.